:: ParamList :: exec oc.GetBlogInfo @DomainName = '.com' , @Language = 'en-US' , @BusinessUnit = 'OP' , @BlogCategory = '__ALL__' , @BlogType = 'Research' , @BlogURL = 'effectiveness-water-flosser-vs-interdental-brushes' , @Brand = '__ALL__' ,
The WaterpikTM Water Flosser: Significantly More Effective than Interdental Brushes for Improving Gingival Health
Comparison of Water Flosser and Interdental Brush on Reduction of Gingival Bleeding and Plaque: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.
To determine the efficacy of a WaterpikTM water flosser vs. interdental brushes for plaque and gingivitis reduction.
Twenty-eight subjects completed this two week study. Subjects were assigned to one of two groups: the WaterpikTM water flosser (WF) plus a manual toothbrush or interdental brushes (IDBs) plus a manual toothbrush. Gingival health was evaluated by measuring bleeding on probing (BOP) at six sites per tooth. Plaque removal was measured using the Rustogi Modification of the Navy Plaque Index (RMNPI).
The WaterpikTM water flosser was significantly more effective than the interdental brushes for reducing gingival bleeding. Notably, the water flosser was 56% more effective for reducing whole mouth bleeding, and 53% more effective for reducing whole mouth approximal bleeding.
The WaterpikTM water flosser is significantly more effective than interdental brushes for improving gingival health.