:: ParamList :: exec oc.GetBlogInfo @DomainName = '.com' , @Language = 'en-US' , @BusinessUnit = 'OP' , @BlogCategory = '__ALL__' , @BlogType = 'Research' , @BlogURL = 'flossing-toothbrush-vs-regular-brushing-flossing-QaqishJG-2018' , @Brand = '__ALL__' ,
WaterpikTM Sonic-FusionTM: Twice as Effective as Regular Brushing & Flossing for Removing Plaque and Improving Gingival Health
Comparison of a Novel Sonic Toothbrush With a Traditional Sonic Toothbrush and Manual Brushing and Flossing on Plaque, Gingival Bleeding, and Inflammation: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
To determine the effectiveness of WaterpikTM Sonic-FusionTM in reducing plaque and the clinical signs of inflammation as compared to standard brushing and flossing.
This is a randomized, controlled, parallel clinical trial. Thirty five subjects were enrolled into each group. One group used WaterpikTM Sonic–FusionTM, brushing for two minutes and flossing for one minute, and one group used an ADA standard toothbrush and dental floss. Gingival health was measured using bleeding on probing (BOP) and the Modified Gingival Index (MGI) at baseline, two weeks, and four weeks. The Rustogi Modified Navy Plaque Index (RMNPI) scores were measured at baseline, two weeks, and four weeks. All subjects were provided written and verbal instructions.
Both Sonic–FusionTM and traditional brushing and flossing showed a significant reduction in plaque, BOP and MGI from baseline to four week (p<0.001). The WaterpikTM Sonic–FusionTM group was more than twice as effective than the standard brushing and flossing group for all measurements.
This study demonstrates that the WaterpikTM Sonic-FusionTM is more than twice as effective as traditional brushing and flossing for improving oral health.