:: ParamList :: exec oc.GetBlogInfo @DomainName = '.com' , @Language = 'en-US' , @BusinessUnit = 'OP' , @BlogCategory = '__ALL__' , @BlogType = 'Research' , @BlogURL = 'water-flosser-vs-antibiotics-gum-disease-genovesi-abstract-2014' , @Brand = '__ALL__' ,
WaterpikTM Water Flosser: An Effective Alternative to Subgingival Antibiotic Treatment for Periodontal Maintenance Patients
Periodontal Maintenance Following Scaling and Root Planing, Comparing Minocycline Treatment to Daily Oral Irrigation with Water
Assess the efficacy of daily WaterpikTM water flossing in comparison to subgingival minocycline treatment for subjects with moderate to severe periodontitis.
In this single-center, parallel, single blind, randomized clinical study, thirty subjects with moderate to severe periodontitis were placed into a minocycline-treated group or a water flossing group. Scaling and root planing was carried out, and both groups received instruction on proper home-based oral hygiene. One group was administered minocycline inside their deepest periodontal pockets at the initial hygiene visit. The second group was instructed to use a WaterpikTM water flosser once a day. Clinical and microbiological parameters were measured at baseline and repeated after thirty days.
Both the WaterpikTM water flosser and minocycline treatment groups experienced a significant reduction in all clinical parameters tested at thirty days. The water flosser group reduced bleeding 81% vs. 76% for the minocycline group. Moreover, both procedures effectively reduced the typical parameters of periodontitis (bleeding on probing, pocket depth, and clinical attachment levels).
The WaterpikTMwater flosser is an effective alternative to subgingival antibiotics for periodontal maintenance patients over a thirty day period.